Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Ups

I think I'm going to sue somebody. Apparently people have taken to REAL pool pooping everywhere. I need my "ups". Thats all I'm saying...


WileyCoyote said...

Good heavens, MH - you are the original "Pool pooper"! How dare someone NOT give you your 'props'! The Gang should show their colors now and go beat the crap outta those who think that they are your competition! Who would DARE...

Mad Hatter said...

I guess somebody who takes a shit in the pool, including my community pool, they said like 3 or 4 times in a month or so. And that's just one pool.

Mad Hatter said...

All I know is what the POA tells me. Funny thing is I'm not the only one.

Anonymous said...

You live in Sun City??? LOL

Mad Hatter said...

Hahah... I don't but if I did I want to live next to the guy that killed the armadillo. It's really weird that all of these episodes of pool pooping break out, but at the same time true.

Unless somebody is making money out if all this. I got emailed and literally it was within an hour or two when I was at the pool.