Friday, February 27, 2009


I'm posting this, not because I wish any ill will on anyone, but there is a part... a very small part, that's laughing inside. It seems Mr. Rob Holquist has been laid off. This would be sad, except he called me and people like me a "bunch of circle-jerks". I'll take the little bit of karma... even if in a couple of weeks, months, years... I may be in the same boat.

Careful who who step on while on the way up, you'll see them again on your way down.

1 comment:

Aunt Bea said...

Actually, I watched the rise of a once very decent and honest fellow, who made the wrong choices and knew they were wrong, on the way up. You may remember I defended him in the beginning, because I worked with him and knew what he really believed in. Unfortunately, he got caught up in saving his job instead of standing up for what he intially believed in. No surprise, he got knifed by the very people whom he gave up his soul, his beliefs, to support and defend. Those who do this never believe it will happen to THEM. They can justify any harm or damage or insult they do - right up until the last moment, when they stand there, jaws agape, at the inevitable. I watched it tear him asunder and could do nothing for him - because it was his choice.

A sad lesson here, drilled into me (but not, alas, him) from my youth - "Do what is right, let the consequence follow". I hope he learns it - now. I could almost pity him - except that he, intentionally or blindly, hurt so many of my friends along the way. He has the freedom again to choose now. I hope he chooses more wisely in the future.

People choose their karma, unknowingly or not. And it always catches up. Always. He is only one in a long line...